Monday, July 14, 2014

Day 9... Last hotel night

So, here we are! The day before the last day of the road trip!

Slept in a little today... Well, the BEARS did. The cubs woke up at 6:50 am because some new game character was being revealed, or some such thing. Whatever!! With free wifi, they were happy. And quiet :)

Boy, that little hotel owner lady; NOTHIN' gets by her! Getting in the car with wet hair (because I'm lazy and on vacation!) she came over to my car and asked if I needed a hair dryer!! Lol... Nope. Had one I didn't use! Anyhoo, went and picked up milk for breakfast cereal and bottled water for the road.... And Starbucks for the Bears. As used to Starbucks as we are in the northwest, with one on every corner, good luck when traveling! For the biggest coffee chain, they are absent in more areas than I thought they'd be... Had to settle for a McCafe a couple times. Not bad, but only regular milk which did NOT impress my tummy. There was one ONLY a mile and a half away this time... Lol!

Checked out of the hotel at 11. Headed for the Santa Monica pier..... Heading toward the coast on the Artesia Fwy, some dumb ass cut over behind us in front of the semi that was behind is, AND THEY MISSED. We heard the crash and saw the car turn sideways and get pushed along by the truck as it stopped. My heart was in my throat!! It was RIGHT. BEHIND. US. Thankfully, the car didn't roll and the truck didn't go over it. Hopefully nobody got really hurt. Took a minute for the racing heart to calm down, and I was the passenger!! Padre Bear stayed cool as a cucumber. Wow.  

Made it to the pier about noon, scored a space in the short term lot for $2 for 2 hours, and headed up. Finally... The end of Route 66!
We walked the pier, played with the Zoltar machine, and headed to Bubba Gump Shrimp for lunch. Our server was a part time Disney choreographer who is dancing at the Planes sequel premiere this week! Cool! Yummy, yummy... But expensive. A good vacation splurge ;)

Youngest Bear got a pressed penny and got to play Fruit Ninja arcade style, I got my Zoltar fortune (I wished to be big, but I'm still short... Haven't gone to sleep yet though!), and I got a Route 66 pressed penny. And it was time to go...

No beach time, but I wasn't leaving without getting my feet in the sand...
We were going to drive down the walk of fame, but the traffic was really backed up, and the transmission needed more ATF since Goodyear didn't fill it all the way yesterday :/ So, we hopped on 405 north and said goodbye to SoCal. For now... 

We stopped in Castaic to get gas and tranny fluid... The Halvoline Express did a great job, and fast, AND did it for free because we're Seahawks fans!! GO HAWKS!! And further north we drove. 

The sunset gave us a good farewell to SoCal-

Arrived a little after 9 in Sacramento. We checked in, and then found our way to an In-n-Out Burger. Yum. Double Doubles for the boys and a Cheeseburger Protein Style for me... Wouldn't be a road trip without it!!!

Settled in at the La Quinta with free wifi for the cubs, and sleep until the hotel breakfast :) Last night and then home... And we're all still alive!!! Almost done...

Buenos noches!!!

Mama Bear :)

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